About Us

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About our

Company Story

Founded by a former Chicagoan turned Atlantan, Ivan Alfaro has noticed first-hand what the lack of Affordable Housing can do to a child, adult, and community as a whole. Therefore, our company’s primary focus is to use real estate as a tool to improve the quality of life for the communities we serve. By doing this, we fulfill not only God’s Word, but a deep gratification that comes from the many success stories we have been blessed to have.

Thanks to God, we currently have the privilege of operating 22 Affordable Housing units across the Southeast, with plans to grow to 200 units through our Affordable Housing Fund.

One out of the many examples is how an ex-convict was able to stay at one of our affordable rentals and by becoming an electrician, and was able to become a homeowner within a year.

While we did start off in the property flipping business which is highly speculative with countless variables, we have shifted the majority of our investment strategy to Affordable Housing Investment for the immediately inherent community benefits, and for the cashflow involved. Making it a win for all parties involved, barring of course any surprises that come with investing in real estate as with any investment.

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Company Values

Honoring the Hierarchy

Imagine assuming God is next to us when we sit and work at the desk. One would likely make decisions about communication, candor, and strategy a bit differently. To put it simply, if we act in business or life solely in our best interests as opposed to the hierarchy we are accountable to…Or on the opposite side, just give up so much of ourselves that we no longer have a “self”: this company would simply not sustain. While we as a company have employees that do not have a literal God, our first company principle is to understand the structure & power that acknowledging such a relationship brings in day-to-day operations. 

Along those lines, it also brings a level of expectation of professionalism, and disclosure when something goes astray…Which something as simple as a real estate contract hiccup can make room for. By accepting the Honoring of the Hierarchy, we can accept God or whatever version of God a person accepts as a guiding stone for making sure things are done right, and if not: making sure they’re done right going forward.

Some can even call their God the Golden Rule as a guiding stone, but we feel that’s too low of a bar as we cover in our next principle.

When Honoring Each Other comes to mind, it can be easy to think of the Golden Rule. But our company culture calls to a higher bar which is to honor another at serious cost.

One example is in a team member that recently started and is unclear on what to do next. Their response could be to state they do not have everything they need, but a higher bar of honoring their manager in this case would be to generate a specific list of technical questions, and timeline questions to get the task done…And having candor to bring it up ASAP as opposed to idling. The serious cost here was a potential for embarrassment in asking potentially “dumb questions”, for the greater good of them being productive immediately. As an aside, we don’t believe any question is dumb, and any one who pretentiously judges in that way will not have longevity in this company.

Another example, an issue pops up again regarding a real estate procedure. A typical treatment would be to remedy the situation immediately and get back to the usual day-to-day. However, we would encourage the team member to go a level further and make documentation or update documentation to avoid this recurring issue going forward, which could involve interviewing all the parties involved on the best way to mitigate this for dozens of future team members that would likely come across this. The serious cost in this case was pausing their other work, verifying management agrees with these changes/shifting priorities, and additional hours spent on insuring this recurring issue’s procedure is properly updated and followed through-upon. Albeit a bigger cost upfront, this team member has exemplified putting honoring others above what they are actively doing.

Honoring Each Other
Honor Self

We believe everyone in this company should have access to become independently wealthy, healthy, and self-accountable; If it is their desire. On the wealth, we provide monthly trainings to our staff so they can invest in real estate well…However for self, and health-that is much more of a personal decision to courageously to take on.

For example, we have limitless work to do in this business, with seasons of high stress from high volume closings or when renovations are queued up. While we as a company can provide all of the training, procedures, and advice in the world to mitigate stress from handling these important matters expediently. It will be upon you to manage your time efficiently & effectively so you do not burn out. Particularly if you prefer a different role in the company, or just would like a career change. The onus on the company is to respect & support whatever choice you decide to go for.

As Kyle Cease analogizes, there are only so many plates that one can spin.