People Are Drowning

The Affordable Housing crisis is destroying lives; so our company has declared war on it now.

Using proven investment principles, Common Walk continues to create & acquire more affordable units to attack this problem at scale, and with conviction.

Will you join the battle?

How do we do it?

Capitalism + Philanthropy

  • Fill Deal Pipeline with Value-Add Real Estate Assets from our Network & Scale Technology
  • Underwrite, Acquire & Stabilize Assets
  • Exit the Exit while Holding the Affordable Housing Property in the Portfolio
Ivan Alfaro Speaking on Affordable Housing
Ivan Alfaro Speaking on Fixing the Affordable Housing Crisis as a Community

Our process is described in the speech linked to the right by our company’s Chief Executive Officer Ivan Alfaro:

Our Investment Strategy

Sell or Rent

Instead of renting to folks at top dollar rates, our strategic acquisition cost allows us to rent at much more reasonable rates than the traditional investor.

By doing this, we effectively help our fellow neighbors to stay in the community for as long as humanly possible.

Through selling in hot markets of town, we use the profits to buy more rentals to attack the Affordable Housing crisis.